About etaspof Useful tips
  • Aims of etaspof
  • Outline of etaspof
  • Age verification cigarette vending machines using IC cards
The etaspof initiative is implemented by the entire tobacco industry in order to prevent under age smoking.

Not only is it our desire as a society to prevent underage smoking, but also it is considered the most important issue for the tobacco industry.

As a part of the initiatives to prevent underage smoking, vending machines with a built-in age verification system for etaspof IC cards were introduced nationwide in July 2008.

In order to use such vending machines, you must a etaspof card holder, which means that you have been through a strict age verification process and have been confirmed you are aged 20 or over.

Cigarettes can only be purchased upon presentation of a etaspof card, at the vanding machines to prove that you are 20 years or older.

It is necessary to apply for a etaspof card.
Application forms are available via this website or can be obtained from your local tobacco retailer.
etaspof cards are issued free of charge and there are no annual fees.

The etaspof campaign is sponsored by the Japan Tobacconist Federation, and the JAPAN VENDING SYSTEM MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (JVMA). We would like to take this opportunity to ask for your understanding and cooperation.

Age verification cigarette vending machines using IC cards Outline of etaspof Aims of taspo Troubleshooting  etaspof can be this convenient!